English printing in Rome
VASI, Mariano, and Antonio NIBBY. New Guide of Rome. Rome: Monaldini, English Reading Rooms, Piazza di Spagna. 1845.
8vo. Contemporary Italian full vellum (probably commissioned by the publisher), spine ornamented in gilt and two contrasting lettering-pieces; pp. xxxvi, 532, wood-engraved vignette to title, 28 fine wood-engraved plates, large engraved folding city map at rear, vellum a little spotted and toned in places, title-page with upper margin replaced with an old strip of matching paper, occasional light spotting, mainly marginal, to plates, a very attractive copy.
First edition. Edited by Luigi Piale, this English language guide book (printed first, the year before, this being the second unaltered printing) is divided into eight days of sight-seeing for the serious tourist interested in antiquities and architecture. Antonio Nibby was the authority of Rome in the first half of the 19th century and an eminent early archaeologist, who worked together with William Gell and excavated both the Cloaca Maxima and the area of the Forum Romanum.