Collection: Vanity Fair

177 items
  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Alexander J. Beresford-Hope MP. "Batavian grace." Statesmen, No.63.
    Alexander J. Beresford-Hope MP. Batavian grace. Statesmen, No.63
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Baron De Brunnow. "One of the most precious products of political miscegenation". Men of the Day No.15.
    Baron De Brunnow. One of the most precious products of political
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Edward Miall MP. "The Nonconformist." Statesmen, No.89.
    Edward Miall MP. The Nonconformist. Statesmen, No.89
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). General Sir Charles Henry Ellice KCB. "The Adjutant General.".
    General Sir Charles Henry Ellice KCB. The Adjutant General
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). George Hammond Whalley MP. "The great believer in Roman Catholicism." Statesmen, No.75.
    George Hammond Whalley MP. The great believer in Roman Catholicism. Statesmen
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). H. E. Musurus Bey. "The most interesting of all the diplomatic corps in London". Statesmen No.73.
    H. E. Musurus Bey. The most interesting of all the diplomatic
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Henry Villebois. "The Squire.".
    Henry Villebois. The Squire
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Hon J.C. Vivian. "Always Pleasant, Always Genial". Statesmen, No.68.
    Hon J.C. Vivian. Always Pleasant, Always Genial. Statesmen, No.68
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Hon Oliver George Paulett Montagu. "Oliver.".
    Hon Oliver George Paulett Montagu. Oliver
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). John Wodehouse, Earl of Kimberley. "He improves, if possible, but he accepts always the accomplished fact".
    John Wodehouse, Earl of Kimberley. He improves, if possible, but he
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Lord Lyttleton. "A man of position". Statesmen, No.80.
    Lord Lyttleton. A man of position. Statesmen, No.80
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Lord Lytton."The representative of Romance". Statesmen No.67.
    Lord Lytton.The representative of Romance.  Statesmen No.67
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Lord Strathnairn. "He was made a Statesman because he was a soldier". Statesmen No.60.
    Lord Strathnairn. He was made a Statesman because he was a
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Lord Westbury. "An Eminent Christian man". Statesmen, No.15.
    Lord Westbury. An Eminent Christian man. Statesmen, No.15
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). M.E. Grant-Duff MP. "A philosophic liberal." Statesmen, No.33.
    M.E. Grant-Duff MP. A philosophic liberal. Statesmen, No.33
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Mrs Star, Late Mother Superior of the Convent of Our Lady of Mercy, Hull. "I felt very uncomfortable."
    Mrs Star, Late Mother Superior of the Convent of Our Lady
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Rev MacKonchie. "He makes religion a tragedy, and the movements of his muscles a solemn ceremony".
    Rev MacKonchie. He makes religion a tragedy, and the movements of
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Richard Dowse MP. "And Irish wit and Solicitor-General." Statesmen, No.79.
    Richard Dowse MP. And Irish wit and Solicitor-General. Statesmen, No
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Rt Hon James Stansfeld. "Pour encourager les autres". Statesmen, No.10.
    Rt Hon James Stansfeld. Pour encourager les autres. Statesmen, No.10
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Rt Hon Lord J.R. Manners MP. "Let Arts and Commerce, Laws and Learning Die, But Leave us our Old Nobility". Statesmen, No.36.
    Rt Hon Lord J.R. Manners MP. Let Arts and Commerce, Laws
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Rt Hon William Monsell. "The painstaking Irishman". Statesmen No.74.
    Rt Hon William Monsell. The painstaking Irishman. Statesmen No.74
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Rt Hon. Hugh Childers. "A returned colonist".
    Rt Hon. Hugh Childers. A returned colonist
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Rt. Hon. Austin Henry Layard. "He combines the love of truths and art with equal devotion and success".
    Rt. Hon. Austin Henry Layard. He combines the love of truths
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Sir Francis Grant. "An able artist and an excellent President".
    Sir Francis Grant. An able artist and an excellent President
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Sir H.K. Storks. "He is a living paradox; no one is less subject to control, no one a greater slave of control". Statesmen No.70.
    Sir H.K. Storks. He is a living paradox; no one is
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Sir Henry L.E. Bulwer. "A superannuated diplomat." Statesmen, No.61.
    Sir Henry L.E. Bulwer. A superannuated diplomat. Statesmen, No.61
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Sir Stafford Northcote. "He does his duty to his party, and is fortunate if it happens to be also his duty to his country." Statesmen, No.65.
    Sir Stafford Northcote. He does his duty to his party, and
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Sir Thomas Erskine May KCB. "Parliamentary Practice".
    Sir Thomas Erskine May KCB. Parliamentary Practice
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). Sir William Fergusson, Bart. "There is no man of greater weight in his profession".
    Sir William Fergusson, Bart. There is no man of greater weight
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). William Connor Magee, Bishop of Peterborough. "If eloquence could justify injustice he would have saved the Irish Church".
    William Connor Magee, Bishop of Peterborough. If eloquence could justify injustice
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  • "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini). William Hart Dyke MP. "A whipper".
    William Hart Dyke MP. A whipper
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  • "Ape" [Carlo Pellegrini]. 8th Duke of Argyll."God bless the Duke of Argyll".
    8th Duke of Argyll.God bless the Duke of Argyll
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