[SAINTE-CROIX, Guillaume-Emmanuel-Joseph Guilhem De Clermont-Lodève, Baron de]. History of the Rise and Progress of the Naval Power of England, Interspersed With Various Important Notices relative to the French Marine to which are added Observations on the Principal Articles of the Navigation Act, illustrated by a Variety of interesting Notes. Translated from an Original Work in French By Thomas Evanson White. London, J.S. Barr for J.S. Jordan, 1802.
8vo. Entirely uncut and unopened in the original publisher's boards (rubbed, later rebacked with cloth, restored, lettered in gilt); pp. [xii], 416, [4, publisher's list], [16 publisher's list on blue-ish paper stock, dated January 1801]; a little browned, otherwise a very good copy of an extremely rare work.
First edition in English, apparently published first in French in Yverdon in 1783, and updated here for the British in the light of the Napoleonic threat. The tables referred to in the preface are on pages 385 to 388.
Provenance: This particular copy with 20th-century navally-themed bookplate of Robert J. Hayhurst (Lancashire pharmacist and keen collector of books relating to the Navy in original bindings), 1876 and 1922 Navy-related inscriptions to front endpapers, a few underlinings and annotations in pencil to text.
COPAC locates two copies, at Exeter Institution, and Durham University only; the British Library only holds a microfiche.