MATHEWS, G. M., and S. S. HOUGH. The Call of China and the Islands. Report of the Foreign Deputation, 1911-1912, for every Member of the United Brethren Church. Dayton, Ohio, Foreign Missionary Society, [1912].
8vo. Original yellow cloth; pp. 121, [3]; with frontispiece and illustrations in the text; light toning and ms. note to title-page; provenance: previous owner’s inkstamp to fly-leaf, a good copy; compliment slip pasted to front paste-down; ms. note on title-page, ms. note on the co-author to title-page.
First edition. This very rare work contains chapters on missionary work in China, Japan, the Philippines, and Porto Rico. In respect to China the author analyzes the rapid change in Chinese society. The missionaries had arrived when the Chinese Revolution against the Qing Dynasty of 1911 had broken out, and Sun Yat-Sen led parts of the Chinese society into a civil war.