LUXEMBURG, Rosa. The Accumulation of Capital … translated from the German by Agnes Schwarzschild (doctor juris). With an Introduction by Joan Robinson. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul Limited, [1951].
8vo. Original cloth, spine lettered in gilt; pp. 475; cloth a little faded and with light bubbling; otherwise very good and with neat annotations in pencil in a few margins.
Very rare first English edition of Rosa Luxemburg's theoretical masterpiece, 'first published in 1913, which is undoubtedly her finest achievement, reveals her as that rarest of of all rare phenomena - a Marxist critical of Carl Marx' (W. Stark at the end of the preface). Rosa Luxemburg was a polyglot revolutionary activist and writer of Polish-Jewish origin, member of three socialist parties, the Russian and German Social Democracies, and her own SDKPiL (Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania). Had proto-Nazi thugs not murdered her in 1919 she would have become most likely a victim of Stalinist purges. Joan Robinson had studied at Cambridge and was a friendly critic and supporter of John Maynard Keynes, and participated in discussions of Keynes in Piero Sraffa's discussion group known as the Cambridge Circus.
WorldCat locates copies in Leipzig, Nantes and in the British Library only.