the missing link between ezra pound and john maynard keynes
LARRANAGA, P. J. M. Gold, Glut and Government. A New Economic Dawn. London, George Allen & Unwin, [1932].
8vo. Original cloth with typographical dust-wrappers (price-clipped); pp. 191, printed on high-quality laid paper; light offsetting from endpapers, otherwise near-fine.
Very rare first edition of this Keynesian attempt to remedy the Great Depression, written by the world expert on asphalt and road engineer with a keen interest in the arts, poetry, and philosophy, a multi-facetted intellectual of Galician descent. 'Pedro Juan Manuel Larrañaga (1893 – ?) was a writer and thinker of energy, poetry, and bold rhetorical flourish on asphalt, political economy, agricultural policy, public health. He corresponded with and was a favorite "crank" of John Maynard Keynes, earning him a line or two in Robert Skidelsky's biography of Keynes – a Basque mining engineer, who struck Keynes as a brilliant amateur' (John McVey's blog). Ezra Pound had developed an interest in political economy (among other, more savoury stuff) in the 1930s, published ABC of Economics in 1933, and in his radio lectures referred to this book. Keynes, who probably got the publishing deal for the asphalt expert is mentiond in 20 passages in the book.