JANSCHA, Laurenz, and Johann ZIEGLER. Collection de cinquante Vues du Rhin les plus interessantes et les plus pittoresques, depuis spire jusque a Düsseldorf; Fünfzig malerische Ansichten des Rhein-Stromes von Speyer bis Düsseldorf nach der Natur gezeichnet von L. Janscha und gestochen von Ziegler. Edinburgh, Harris, [1980].
Large folio (54 x 41 cm). Original half-morocco over cloth-covered boards; spine ornamented and lettered in gilt, in half-morocco drop-down-back box with large oval lettering-piece on lid, black velvet lining; ff. [iii], [50], 50 colour-facsimile plates; together with the prospectus and with the original styrofoam-lined shipping box.
The first facsimile edition of one of the most luxurious German topographical works (first, 1798). These atmospheric views of the Rhine in fine facsimiles and appropriately hand-bound and presented where sold for £950 at the time. This is number 7 of an intended printrun of 750, which was not achieved, because the ambitious project collapsed (insolvency of the publisher). The original edition was offered a couple of years ago at a German bookfair for €98,000. - Weight: just under 9kg.