My Life in Shipping. 1881-1938. An Impression of Some of the …
My Life in Shipping. 1881-1938. An Impression of Some of the …
My Life in Shipping. 1881-1938. An Impression of Some of the …

HARLEY, Percy. My Life in Shipping. 1881-1938. An Impression of Some of the Matters and Men I Have Met in it.

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HARLEY, Percy. My Life in Shipping. 1881-1938. An Impression of Some of the Matters and Men I Have Met in it. [Worcester and London, The Trinity Press,] for the Author, [1938].

8vo. Original morocco-backed pebble-grained cloth, spine lettered in gilt; pp. 232, portrait frontispiece; edges of binding a little worn; otherwise very good.
This rare privately printed memoir by the founder and chairman of Harley and Co. Ltd., Shipbrokers, of London, is a signed presentation copy inscribed to Captain Thomas Henry Carlton Levick, director of Messrs. Harris & Dixon, Ltd. in 1939. This particular copy was presented by the author's son and founding partner of Harley & Co. Ltd to a director of the Hamburg oil shipping company Tankschiff-Reederei Julius Schindler G.m.b.H., Enno Jaeger, in 1956, who wrote a presentation inscription to his son Felix when he started an apprenticeship at the Hamburg shipping company August Bolten, Wm Miller's Nachfolger in 1978. - This volume should return to someone active in the shipping industry.
