With manuscript poems and a rare work by Eric Gill
[GILL, Eric.] CLAY, Enid. Sonnets and Verses. Golden Cockerel Press. 1925.
8vo. Original linen-backed boards, printed paper spine label (slightly embrowned), edges untrimmed; pp. [viii],36, colophon; 8 wood engravings by Eric Gill; a very good copy. Provenance: from the collection of a friend of Enid Clay's known to us only as Eve.
Limited to 450 numbered copies, ffep inscribed by the author "To Eve/ with love and remembrance/ Enid". This book was "crowned"as the finest publication of 1925 by the Double Crown Club and is noted not only for Clay's fine poems but also for the wood engravings by her brother, Eric Gill.
sold with
1. Wedding invitation, 12 x 10 cm, [4] ll. folded at top edge, with cover design "Man and woman embracing" by Eric Gill. This is an invitation to the 1938 wedding of Margaret, Enid's daughter and Eric's niece, to Edgar Breitenbach, an art historian who would later become instrumental in tracking down artworks ransacked by the Nazis during the war. We have found only two other specimens of this very rare Gill work at the Victoria & Albert Museum and Washington University.
2. Prospectus for The Constant Mistress by Enid Clay, Golden Cockerel Press, 1934. 4 ll, with wood engravings by Eric Gill.
3. Manuscript draft of "The Constant Mistress" in Enid Clay's hand, ink, dated 1927, pale blue notepaper 26 x 20.5 cim, one side only.
4. Manuscript draft of poem beginning "When all this wonder of earth and vivid sky…" in Enid Clay's hand, dated 1932, pale blue notepaper 26 x 20.5 cm, both sides. Recto with message "These are the mines I tried to get into shape when I was with you. 'Pedlars Pack' a new magazine printed them in their March number',
5. 4 typed drafts, cream notepaper 24 x 19cm, each on one side only, of three poems from The Constant Mistress, "Gifts", "Suburban Spring" and "Norfolk Dunes" (here "The Dunes"), and one untitled poem dated 1927.
Evan Gill 274. Chanticleer 25.