First US publication of a masterpiece
ELIOT, T.S. The Waste Land. in The Dial, November 1922, Vol. LXXIII, Number 5. Greenwich, Connecticut: Conde Nast Press. 1922.
8vo. Original wrappers as issued; pp. xvi (ads), [3], 474-592, xvii-xxxii, tipped in frontispiece by Robert Delaunay; previous owner's signature to first page and front wrapper; tape repairs to head and foot of spine, very good condition.
First US edition of The Waste Land.
It was The Dial's editor Ezra Pound who championed for the appearance of T.S Eliot's prodigious The Waste Land, resulting in the first US publication of the poem in this astounding compilation of canonical literary names. Not only was The Dial responsible for this hugely significant literary progression, its varied pages feature further influential works by philosopher Bertrand Russell, writers such as William Butler Yeats, whose poem 'The Player Queen' appears in this issue, and the subversive Mina Loy, as well as artwork by Duncan Grant and Picasso.