DINDORF, Wilhelm [editor]. Poetarum scenicorum Graecorum. Aeschyli, Sophoclis, Euripedis, et Aristophanis fabulae superstites et perditarum fragmenta … Edition quarta. London, J. H. and J. Parker, 1865.
4to. Contemporary full vellum with bevelled edges, two contrasting lettering-pieces (one a little chipped), red edges, marbled endpapers; lettered and ornamented in black and gilt, all edges red; pp. [iv], 748; initially and at the end a little spotted, otherwise very good, in the most attractive vellum binding produced for Radley College with their emblem in gilt on boards, school prize inscription on initial blank, dated 1865.
A critically editited collection of Classical Greek dramatists. Dindorf was a prolific German philologist who published in Leipzig, Berlin, Paris, London and Oxford.