Day by Day at Lucknow, A Journal of the Siege of …
Day by Day at Lucknow, A Journal of the Siege of …

CASE, Adelaide. Day by Day at Lucknow, A Journal of the Siege of Lucknow.

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Trapped during the Indian Mutiny

CASE, Adelaide. Day by Day at Lucknow, A Journal of the Siege of Lucknow. London: Richard Bentley. 1858.

8vo. Contemporary half-calf over marbled boards, spine with raised bands compartments lettered in gilt, morocco lettering-piece, top edge gilt, marbled endpapers; pp. iv, 348; spine a little toned, light rubbing only to extremities; light offsetting from endpapers, contemporary ownership inscription to upper margin of title-page (a little cropped by the binder); a very good copy of a great raritity.

First edition. 'Mrs Adelaide Case and her sister Miss Caroline Dickson were trapped at the Residency at Lucknow in India, along with many other women and children, for 5 months during the Indian Mutiny. The siege of Lucknow lasted from 21st May to 19th November 1857. All around them people were dying of small pox, typhoid and injuries sustained in battle or from the enemy bombardment. It was not until early December 1857 that they finally reached safety. Early on in the siege Mrs Case’s husband, Colonel William Case of the 32nd Queens Regiment was killed. Mrs Case kept a journal throughout the siege, it was published in 1858 by Richard Bentley of New Burlington Street, London with the title Day by Day at Lucknow' (blurb for recent digital edition).
