BRIGGS, Horace. Letters from Alaska and the Pacific Coast. [Edited by Dora Briggs North.] Buffalo, NY: Press of E.H. Hutchinson [?for Horace Briggs and Dora Briggs North], 1889.
8vo. Original printed brown wrappers; pp. 87; minimal light rusting on staples, otherwise a very good copy.
First and only edition. A fascinating pamphlet, which reprints a series of letters written by the distinguished Buffalo schoolmaster Horace Briggs, Ph.D. in the course of his 1888 trip to Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, with much on the geology of the areas visited and the American Indians and their customs; Dora Briggs North's preface states that, 'Most of the letters embraced in this pamphlet, describing the places on the Pacific coast visited by my father, have already appeared in the Commercial Advertiser of this City. They are re-published in this form, with some additions and changes,in the belief that they will contribute something to the general knowledge of a very interesting portion of our vast domain' (p. [5]). The pamphlet is scarce, particularly in the original wrappers in such good condition as this; in the UK, COPAC only locates copies in Cambridge and the National Library of Scotland.