BAKER, Henry Beytrage zu nüzlichem und vergnügendem Gebrauch under Verbesserung des Microscopii. Augsberg: Klett. 1754.
8vo. Original boards, paper label to spine (half missing)l; pp. [xx] + 576 + [xiv, index], 17 folding plates; boards somewhat worn, remnant of modern bookplate to front pastedown, ink annotations to title page, faint browning, very good.
First German edition of Employment for the Microscope, first published in 1753. Baker (1698 - 1774) won the Copley Medal of the Royal Society in 1744 for his microscopical observations on the crystallization of saline particles, to which much of the first part of this book is devoted. The second part is more concerned with microbiology and includes the first description of dinoflagellates, here called "Animalcules which cause the Sparkling Light in Sea Water". Baker "had the rare gift of communicating his knowledge of, and above all his enthusiam for, the microscope to others. This was what made his two books so widely popular" (DSB I, 411).
Nissen ZBI 201.