D'ANVILLE, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon. A complete Body of Ancient Geography … Neatly Engraved on Thirteen Plates. Containing 1. Orbis Romani, pars Orientalils. 2. Orbis Romani, pars Occidentalis. 3. Orbis Veteribus Notus. 4. Gallia. 5. Italiae. 6. Graeciae. 7. Asiae Minor, et Syriae. 8. Palaestina. 9. Aegyptus. 10. Britannia Romana, by Mr. Horsley. 11. Greciae, pars Septentrionalis. by Mons. de L'Isle.12. Greciae, pars Meridionalis. 13. Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the British Isles, in an intermediate State, between Ancient and Modern Geography, by Mons. D'Anville. The Whole Materially Improved, By Inserting the Modern Names of Places under the Ancient. London, James Laurie and Robert Whittle, 1812.
Large folio. Contemporary half-calf over marbled boards (rubbed); 13 double-page outline-coloured engraved plates; apart from even light toning, internally very good.
The French cartographer D'Anville began publishing his Géographie Ancienne Abrégée from 1756 onwards. The first English edition had appeared in 1775. The ancient Greek world is particularly well represented with one map of the entirety of the the Greek peninsula, one map of the north, one of the south and maps of Italy and Asia Minor with all the Greek Islands.