BOCCACCIO, Giovanni. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccacci (Il Boccaccio) now first completely done into English prose and verse by John Payne. London, Printed for the Villon Society by Private Subscription and for Private Circulation Only, 1886.
Three volumes, small 4to. Original art vellum, lettered and ornamented in gilt, top edges gilt, the others uncut; pp. xii, 334; xii, 350; xii, 354, [2]; bindings a little darkened, one spine with tiny hole, apart from very minor spots here and there, a very good set.
First edition of this translation, number 27 of an undisclosed limited edition, beautifully printed on fine laid paper. Translated by the founder of the exclusice publishing house The Bodley Head, who most likely are bhind this publication. John Lane had translated the poète maudit François Villon as well.