GAIL, Wilhelm. Erinnerungen aus Spanien. Nach der Natur und auf Stein gezeichnete Skizzen aus dem Leben in den Provinzen Catalonien, Valencia, Andalusien, Granada und Castilien. Mit Fragmenten maurischer und altspanischer Architectur und Veduten. Nebst erläuternden Auszügen aus dem Tagebuche der Herausgebers. [Munich, no publisher or printer, 1837].
Imperial folio (c. 46 x 35 cm). Contemporary half-morocco over glazed paper-covered boards, spine ruled, and front cover lettered in gilt, lithographic front wrapper bound in; pp. [2], viii, 8; tinted lithographic presentation plate, 30 tinted lithographic plates, lithographic vignettes on title-page and in the text; front cover with old restoration to covering-paper, a little fading around the edges of the boards, apart from occasional spotting, internally very good.
Sole edition of this magnificent plate book on Spain, dligently drawn by the Munich painter Wilhelm Gail. The first 20 plates depict scenery and architecure, whereas the final ten plates illustrate a bullfight from beginning to end in Sevilla. - The dedication plate to the Crown Prince of Prussia is not found in other copies. Probably the personalized copy of Friedrich Wilhelm, King of Prussia from 1840 to 1861. As a draughtsman he was interested in both architecture and landscape gardening and was a patron of several great German artists, including the architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel.
Palau 96, 533; Lipperheide Jc 22.