TZAR IVAN IV [THE TERRIBLE]. Sudebnik Gosudaria Tsaria i Velikago Kniazia Ioanna Vasilevicha. Moscow, Imperial University Press, 1768.
4to. Contemporary Russian mottled calf, marbled endpapers; pp. [iv], 138, [14], spine with some loss and wear; light spotting internally, a good copy; provenance: early 20th-century collector's stamp Aleksandr Ivanovich Ivanov to title-page and beginning of text, early 1960s Russian bookseller's stamp to rear fly-leaf.
This is the Law Code of Ivan Vasilievich. Ivan IV's reform of the law code that shifted power from the aristocracy to State and local institutions. This edition was prepared by G.F. Miller from the manuscript owned by Vasilii Tatishchev.
Bitovt 1638; SK 6936; Sopikov 11593.