BOURNE, Ebenezer. The Dominions of Solomon and his Allies.
Original copper engraved map with hand colour. Includes Libya, Egypt, Asia Minor, Syria and Arabia, with the inset map: Sheba with the Voyage to Tarshish and Ophir (according to Bruce), published by Robert Wilkinson in Wilkinson's Atlas Classica Being A Collection of Maps of the Countries Mentioned By the Ancient Authors, Both Sacred And Profane[…], 1823. 223 x 282 mm.
Ebenezer Bourne (1763? - 1838) engraved numerous maps for Robert Wilkinson between 1794 and 1808. He became a writing engraver for the Ordnance Survey in 1802.
British Map Engravers, Laurence Worms and Ashley Baynton-Williams, 2011