Collection: John Gould

John Gould masterminded one of the most outstanding bodies of work ever produced in the field of ornithology.

Following his death in 1881, Henry Sotheran Limited, already involved in publishing some of Gould's later works, bought his entire estate which included a number of black and white lithographs with the pattern plates used for the hand-colouring. This put Henry Sotheran in the unique position of carrying on the hand-colouring of the original 19th century lithographs according to Gould's exacting standards.

Over a century after Henry Sotheran's felicitous acquisition, we remain the world's leading dealers in Gould's magnificent original hand-coloured lithographs. Always plenty of beautiful prints in stock including those by his wife, Elizabeth, H.C. Richter and Edward Lear.

In Summer 2019 we presented an exhibition and published a book of the work of Elizabeth Gould who was largely overshadowed by her husband.

352 items
  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Little Stint. (Actodromas Minuta.)
    Little Stint. (Actodromas Minuta
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Manx Shearwater. (Puffinus anglorum.)
    Manx Shearwater. (Puffinus anglorum
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Marsh Harrier. (Circus Aeruginosus.)
    Marsh Harrier. (Circus Aeruginosus
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Olivaceous Crake. (Porzana minuta.)
    Olivaceous Crake. (Porzana minuta
    Regular price
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Orphean Warbler. (Curruca Orphea.)
    Orphean Warbler. (Curruca Orphea
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Ortolan Bunting. (Glycyspina Hortulana.)
    Ortolan Bunting. (Glycyspina Hortulana
    Regular price
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Pied Wagtail. (Motacilla Yarrelli.)
    Pied Wagtail. (Motacilla Yarrelli
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Pine Grosbeak. (Pinicola Enucleator.)
    Pine Grosbeak. (Pinicola Enucleator
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Pomatorhine Skua. (Stercorarius pomatorhinus.)
    Pomatorhine Skua. (Stercorarius pomatorhinus
    Regular price
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Red-breasted Fly-catcher. (Erythrosterna Parva.)
    Red-breasted Fly-catcher. (Erythrosterna Parva
    Regular price
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Red-necked Goatsucker. (Caprimulgus Ruficollis.)
    Red-necked Goatsucker. (Caprimulgus Ruficollis
    Regular price
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Reed Warbler. (Calamoherpe Arundinacea.)
    Reed Warbler. (Calamoherpe Arundinacea
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Richard's Pipit. (Anthus richardi.)
    Richard's Pipit. (Anthus richardi
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Rock Pigeon (columba livia).
    Rock Pigeon (columba livia
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Rock Pigeon. (Columba Livia.)
    Rock Pigeon. (Columba Livia
    Regular price
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Ruff & Reeve in first autumn plumage. (Machetes pugnax.)
    Ruff & Reeve in first autumn plumage. (Machetes pugnax
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Ruff and Reeve in the plumage of the first Autumn. (Machetes Pugnax.)
    Ruff and Reeve in the plumage of the first Autumn. (Machetes
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Sedge Warbler, or Chat. (Calamodyta Phragmitis.)
    Sedge Warbler, or Chat. (Calamodyta Phragmitis
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Surf Scoter. (Oidemia Perspicillata.)
    Surf Scoter. (Oidemia Perspicillata
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Swift. (Cypselus Apus.)
    Swift. (Cypselus Apus
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Temminck's Stint. (Leimonites temmincki.)
    Temminck's Stint. (Leimonites temmincki
    Regular price
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Temminck's Stint. (Leimonites temmincki.)
    Temminck's Stint. (Leimonites temmincki
    Regular price
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Water Ouzel, or Dipper. (Cinclus aquaticus.)
    Water Ouzel, or Dipper. (Cinclus aquaticus
    Regular price
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Whiskered Tern. (Hydrochelidon Leucopareia.)
    Whiskered Tern. (Hydrochelidon Leucopareia
    Regular price
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. White's Thrush. (Oreocincla Aurea.)
    White's Thrush. (Oreocincla Aurea
    Regular price
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. White-winged Lark. (Melanocorypha Leucoptera.)
    White-winged Lark. (Melanocorypha Leucoptera
    Regular price
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. White-winged Tern. (Hydrochelidon Leucoptera.)
    White-winged Tern. (Hydrochelidon Leucoptera
    Regular price
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  • GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER. Wood Sandpiper. (Totanus glareola.)
    Wood Sandpiper. (Totanus glareola
    Regular price
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  • GOULD, John and HART, W. Cuckoo, Young ejecting its nestling Companions. (Cuculus Canorus.)
    Cuckoo, Young ejecting its nestling Companions. (Cuculus Canorus
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  • GOULD, John and HART, W. Great Black-backed Gull. (Larus Marinus.)
    Great Black-backed Gull. (Larus Marinus
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  • GOULD, John and W. HART. Black-cheeked Perroquet
    Black-cheeked Perroquet
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  • GOULD, John and W. HART. Van Musschenbroek's Lorikeet
    Van Musschenbroek's Lorikeet
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