[ARMORIAL BINDING FOR THE D'APCHON FAMILY.] Red morocco 'à décor rocaille' by the Dubuisson workshop. [contains]: L'Office de la Semaine-Sainte … En Latin et en François. Paris: Jacques Collombat. 1768.
8vo. Full morocco with raised bands, one compartment directly lettered in gilt, others ornamented, D'Apchon coat-of-arms in the centre of both covers, richly ornamented in gilt all over, all edges gilt, marbled endpapers; engraved frontispiece and title-page, 4 plates, woodcut head and tail pieces, pp.1-708; three upper corners bumped and rubbed, hinges with short repaired slits, otherwise well preserved and very decorative.
Pierre-Paul Dubuisson is together with his father René (died about 1776) among the most famous of this dynasty of French bookbinders. Piere-Paul had become Binder to the King in 1758. The recipient of this book was the archbishop of Auch, the bibliophile Claude Marc Antoine d'Apchon (1721-1783). His library comprised specimens of all genres and sciences. Beautiful bindings were well represented and appreciated, as well as examples of important specimens of outstading typographie (see Guigiard, Armorial du bibliophile).