The Commercial Instructor, and Accountant's Guide. In six parts: I. Commercial …

[R. C.]. The Commercial Instructor, and Accountant's Guide. In six parts: I. Commercial terms copiously explained. II. On drawing and negociating of Bills of E….

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[R. C.]. The Commercial Instructor, and Accountant's Guide. In six parts: I. Commercial terms copiously explained. II. On drawing and negociating of Bills of Exchange. III. Observations, and Queries with their Answers on Merchant's Accounts and Book-keeping. IV. A clear and explicit statement respecting the Stocks, and of the nature of Funded Property; together with the general mode of transacting business in the Public Funds. V. Of Insurance & Exchanges. VI. Commercial Formula. Seventeenth Thousand. London, James Gilbert, [c. 1845].

12mo. Original cloth, front cover lettered and priced in gilt; pp. 90; a very good copy.
An extremely rare title, with only one copy located by COPAC, this edition, in the British Library. The first edition seems to have appeared in 1837.
